Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ahoy cousins!!!! will be such fun to keep in touch!!
lee lee set up my account this morning with the anns
still smoking title, she thinks shes funny. for the record,
lees still a bitch..for the record i smoke black and mild
cigars. AND she sent a pic of me smoking on the vatican
roof. alls well in florida we adopted a pit bull mix and
named him duke making us true southerners, will get
bitchy girl to post pic. ALSO got a biopsy on right
breast, had to find my own drugs but all is well. also
on the every six month check.there have been 2 perfect
storms in our family this month but they will never
make a christmas letter. there is a reason i live 900 mi
from wildwood. its a beautiful day will take duke
to dodgertown for a run. ciao ciao